09 / 11 / 2023

Onwelo’s “Deploy on Friday” meetup #1

09 / 11 / 2023

Onwelo’s “Deploy on Friday” meetup #1

We are organizing our first IT meetup at Onwelo “Deploy on Friday.” The first edition will be held in Katowice, with subsequent editions taking place simultaneously in other Polish cities.

Meetups are not just an important way for Onwelo to grow its brand in the market, but also an excellent opportunity to introduce the IT community to our expert team, our skills, and the positive vibes within our organization and among our employees. The first session will be hosted by Marek Chrapek from our Katowice office, who will talk about the methods and tools useful when working with legacy code. Two more talks will be given by our guests: Jakub Jarzyński (Weavr.io) will discuss the elements of science in computers and software development, while Daniel Pokusa (Objectivity) will tell us about the IT benefits of Linux.

Meetups are regular industry meetings and networking sessions. They start with a talk and discussion on industry topics, followed by networking. Meetups are not just an interesting form of meeting people from your industry, but also a great opportunity to market your skills and promote the organizer’s brand.

The title of the meetup alludes to the custom that requires developers to avoid deploying new functions on Fridays, so as not to leave users with a non-functioning app over the weekend in the event of any bugs or errors.

Check out a subpage devoted to our meetups: https://onwelo.com/meetup-deploy-on-friday-en/


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